» Компьютеры и гаджеты » The legend of zelda ocarina time

The legend of zelda ocarina time: фото и видео

"The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time" - это видеоигра в жанре action-adventure, разработанная и выпущенная компанией Nintendo для игровой консоли Nintendo 64. Игра была выпущена в 1998 году и стала одной из самых влиятельных и популярных игр в истории. "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time" получила высокие оценки от критиков и множество наград за геймплей, графику и музыку. Игра также оказала значительное влияние на развитие жанра видеоигр и стала одной из самых успешных игр в истории.

Вопросы по теме

about 37 hours and 30minutes. How Long Does It Take To 100%? It will take you about 37 hours and 30minutes to 100 percent Ocarina Of Time. This playthrough will require you to find every collectible in the game and fully upgrade your health and carrying capacity.
Remember, this Zelda story typically takes 26 to 37 hours to complete, depending on how many sidequests players complete. Going through the game start to finish in 15 minutes or less is over a 1000 percent decrease in time.
Featuring unparalleled 3D environments, a deep and involved quest, brilliant and intuitive play controls, and a well-developed cinematic quality that enhances rather than overwhelms the whole game experience, Miyamoto's latest soon-to-be-classic title deserves to be played by each and every person who might deign to ...

Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D HD - Full Game 100% Walkthrough

▻Timecodes: 00:00:00 - Intro & Kokiri Forest 00:10:11 - Great Deku Tree & Boss Queen Gohma 00:25:26 - Hyrule Castle...

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