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Airbus Beluga XL — Википедия

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In addition to the significant use of existing components and equipment including Rolls Royce's Trent 772B engines, the Airbus A330-based BelugaXL fleet incorporates newly-developed elements –including its lowered cockpit, a highly-enlarged cargo bay structure, and modified rear and tail section.
According to Flightradar24, flight BGA145I was making its way from Chester to Bremen in Germany. The planes do not take passengers although the aircrafts play a part in the construction of many of the world's passenger planes by delivering new parts.
This fleet, which entered service in January 2020, is intended to eventually replace the original Beluga fleet, which was entering its third decade. However, all aircraft have remained operational as of February 2024.
Answer: The uniquely whale-shaped airbus, which is mainly used to transport extensive cargo, is one of the largest cargo-carrying aircraft in the entire world. Question: How many Airbus Belugas are there? Answer: A sum of 5 Airbus Belugas are there, used to transport enormous cargo.
Airbus operated five Belugas and originally intended to build five BelugaXLs. But it later opted to extend production to six of the type. All six aircraft are fitted with Rolls-Royce Trent 700 engines.
Airbus Beluga - это серия транспортных самолетов, разработанных для перевозки крупногабаритных грузов и компонентов для самолетов. Они используются Airbus для перевозки секций самолетов между заводами производства. Beluga имеет характерную "китообразную" форму фюзеляжа, которая позволяет перевозить грузы больших размеров.

Airbus Beluga. Некрасив, но эффективен. Теперь и XL

Этим летом совершит первый полет новый грузовой самолет Airbus Beluga XL. Авиасмотр в социальных сетях: VK...

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